From Corporate Wars to World War II | Alexander McQueen Autumn/Winter 2011-2012

Sarah Burton, the creative director of Alexander McQueen, exposed a format that was risky for Autumn/Winter collection. I do have to say, Im sure that 70% of you will not wear these military-looking jackets or fur looking collars. Let’s face it, they are flashy and thats not what we want.

If you are into the 70s, then some of the shirts presented will also amuse you, as well as the large winter coats that look like a choirmaster is approaching or the pope in fashion has changed his dressing style. Or Dracula.

She did, although, present some very well  designed suits that we would actually wear to everyday business activities. After the military flood of unnecessary design, we are left with these normal garments that can be worn without the worry of head turning fur falling all over the floor and leaving people asking “where the bear went” ?

Here are the top 5 best and worst ensembles of the Autumn/Winter 2011-2012 McQueen collection.

Top 5 Best

Great  contrast of professional color. Dark blue coat gives a bathrobe effect, adding to the relaxed look of the pants. Perfect light vest.

Great gray suit with matching shoes and hat. The hat has a very long brim (front of hat) but is on the verge of normal wear.

Good outfit if you prefer this paint stained look on your over coat. The vest does a great compliment to the overcoat but I am not sure the pants need to be that high.

If the regular wool suit bores you, then this tweed jacket is great for you. Matching black pants and shoes are great for the a day on the countryside or at the beach, as this material is better in those conditions and not to be worn in the city.

Somehow this ensemble gives off a more formal vibe. When looked at, it even displays a tuxedo look because of the coat. White pants are slimmer than most slacks, which allows for a more informal situation, along with the shoes, indicating the informality of the set.

Top 5 Worst

Red coat has good design, collar has too much fur. Good for the Siberian winter times or the Russian snow blizzards. Designed to be flashy since no buttons are included. Shirt ok. Pants, boots, ok.

All ok, but popped collar gives an impression of a peacock, which was already added on by the turtleneck of the sweater underneath.

Mix of 70s with an Asian style collar. Coat makes the model look like Dracula because of the collar again. Pants are perfect though and continue to give that military sense to McQueen.

What is this?! Is the great flood coming again? This rain coat looking garment is not acceptable and would not be worn by a normal business man, or any man for that matter. It also drags away from McQueen’s military style. This is the worst ensemble of the collection.

I really do not understand the need for all this paint. And all the flash. Looking like it came from a cow-zebra combination, the pants are again too high. The jacket is ok for rain but the only normality here are the shoes, which look like slippers and should not be taken outside the bedroom.

Those were the collection highlights from Alexander McQueen this season. If you want to see the entire collection, please visit

All pictures are credited to Alexander McQueen

“Nobody Really Cares”. Yes, They Actually Do.

As time has passed on in the Western world, societies of the mass public have somehow lost their care for dressing appropriately. When someone finally dresses with some type of style, people frown on it and think that person is being outrages. Somehow, I feel that we have lost our complicated ways for more simplistic ones, but as the world continues to move forward, the trend moves towards a more complicated way, seen in our technology.

Somehow the houses that produce men’s clothing across the world think we are going to wear the giant scarfs and short pants they give us, well we are not. We must be careful what we accept from these productions, or we will end up wearing this to the office.

Credit: DolceGabbana

What we must remember as we continue to pass through our lives, is that as we live on through life, our clothes tell other people what were are doing, were doing, or are going to do. This might not be the matter for many people, but when people are dressed for a wedding, people know automatically a wedding is in process somewhere. Menswear has changed through the years, and is changing right now. Older trends are returning, and others being eliminated from our wardrobes, and not everyone will be able to keep up with this change.

Hoping to make a difference in how you might dress, I will help in the selection of these, sometimes unnecessary, clothes that are presented to men throughout the world.